Torque Sensor
What is non-linearity?
2020-02-22 17:21  Browse:276

In its broadest sense, non-linearity refers simply to a departure from something that is linear.


In the world of transducers, non-linearity is the maximum deviation in output between a transducer’s sensitivity curve and a linear representation of its true sensitivity curve drawn between nominal zero and full scale. Non-linearity is measured on increasing input only, and is expressed as a percent of full-scale output.


An example of non-linearity for a transducer is ±0.15% F.S. Determining non-linearity for a transducer raises a question of how to create the linear representation of a transducer’s true sensitivity. Often, a best fit straight line, which is based on the least squares method, is employed.


Best Fit Straight Line Compared to Ideal Sensitivity


When a best fit straight line is used, transducer non-linearity is simply the greatest deviation between the transducer’s sensitivity curve and the best fit straight line obtained mathematically using the least squares fit method.


Non-Linearity based on Best Fit Straight Line


In other cases, a terminal point straight line is used to determine transducer non-linearity. The terminal point straight line is drawn between nominal zero and output at full scale.


Terminal Point Straight Line


Terminal point straight line is often a more practical best straight line, as it is easy to understand and implement. The user simply takes the output at zero and the output at full scale and assumes a straight line relationship.


Using a terminal point straight line results in a greater (worse) value for non-linearity than using a best fit straight line obtained mathematically.


Non-Linearity based on Terminal Point Straight Line


Note: Honeywell uses the terms linearity and non-linearity interchangeably. Honeywell uses the terminal point, straight line method and least squares, fit best straight line to determine its transducer’s non-linearity. The datasheets indicate the method used when quoting specifications.

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