Torque Sensor
What is static error band?
2020-02-22 17:22  Browse:275

Static error band is a performance specification that takes into account the effects of transducer non-linearity and hysteresis. The static error band is an error envelope that is determined by drawing two lines parallel to the best fit straight line (going through normalized zero point) with a width that is determined by the hysteresis curve. An example of static error band for a transducer is ±0.04% F.S.


Note: A best fit straight line, rather than a terminal point straight line, is used to calculate transducer error band. The best fit straight line must take into account both curves. once the best fit straight line has been determined, two lines, which are both parallel to the best fit straight line, are then drawn through the points of maximum deviation. The entire region between these outer lines is known as the static error band. 

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