How do I mount an accelerometer?
2020-02-22 16:42  Browse:238

The mounting of an accelerometer effects its frequency response. The mounted natural frequency is dependent directly on the stiffness of the mounting. The higher the stiffness means the more the mounted natural frequency approaches its maximum. The least stiff mounting of an accelerometer is magnetic mounting. The highest stiffness mounting is using a high tensile, set-screw tightened to the correct torque mounted on a hard, flat surface. Other mounting methods come in between these two extremes.


It is important to ensure that the site chosen for the accelerometer is ground flat for, at least, an area larger than the base of the accelerometer. A slight smear of silicone grease ensures a stiff bond between accelerometer and structure.


When using a mounting stud, it is important to ensure that the stud does not bottom out in either the base of the accelerometer or the drilled-location hole. Using high tensile strength set-screws that have a shoulder will prevent this eventuality from happening.

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