Load Cell
The characteristics of all transducers vary with temperature. We install additional components that
2020-02-22 16:58  Browse:246

Several factors should be considered when selecting the right, full-scale output for a load cell.


What is the maximum transient load your system will see? Transients may degrade sensor performance if they are too extreme. To evaluate if your transient is acceptable, compare it to the safe overload rating. The safe overload rating of the transducer is the maximum load that can be applied without permanently degrading the sensor’s characteristics.

How often will the load in your system cycle? Transducers, like all mechanical components, wear over the course of many cycles. This wear can change your transducer characteristics. One way to extend your transducer’s life over many cycles is to pick a larger range load cell.


Dynamic loading can be a very significant factor when considering the load range to choose for your application.

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