Pressure Sensor
What considerations should I make when mounting a pressure sensor?
2020-02-22 17:08  Browse:239

A pressure sensor can be mounted to a pressure line or vessel in a number of different ways:

  • Male thread

  • Female thread

  • Tapered thread

  • Clean-in-place connection

  • Flush mount

  • Through hole

The connection will depend on the application, the fluid of which the pressure is being measured and the pressure rating of that fluid. Selection needs to be made carefully, particularly if the pressures are high.


Male or female threads are used extensively while tapered threads are used when the thread is relied upon to perform the sealing.


Clean-in-place (CIP) connections ensure that when the fluid is not present in the system, no crevices exist in the system in which the fluid can be trapped and become contaminated when the next lot of fluid is passed through the system. Typical applications include the food and beverage industry and the medical industry.


Flush mount connections are made when bleed-off paths are not practical or influence the measurement.

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