Pressure Sensor
What is zero balance for a pressure transducer?
2020-02-22 17:08  Browse:230

Zero balance is the pressure sensor output when no pressure and proper supply voltage are applied. It is expressed as a percentage of full scale. For gage pressure sensors, zero balance is measured at atmospheric pressure (0 psig). For absolute pressure sensors, it is measured at full vacuum (0 psia). Ideally, the output would be exactly zero, but it is not due to several factors.

The electrical and mechanical components of transducers have inherent stresses and offsets during the assembly process. These offset the zero balance.

We add resistance to ensure satisfactory zero balance for new transducers.


Operating environment and transducer history can change the zero balance. Factors include temperature, transducer age and transducer overload. If customers notice a change in their zero balance, they may want to adjust their balance using either external instrumentation or local zero adjustments.


Annual testing and certification can ensure precise output throughout the life of the transducer.

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